Lifestyle Blog

How to Teach Your Kids What Life Really Costs
The other night at the dinner table, my husband made a casual comment about the cost of living and my daughter flippantly said: “I’m stressed

A Mom’s Perspective About Giving an Allowance
To date, my husband and I haven’t been doling out weekly allowances to our children, and we don’t plan to do so anytime soon. I

8 Essential Life Skills to Teach Your Kids
If you’re like me, teaching your kids as you go, imparting wisdom to them as they make their way along the road of life, how

Why We Love 30-Day Challenges For Moms
The team at More Time Moms are big believers in 30-day challenges. We know they’re essential to helping kick start new behaviours and in getting

Self-Care 201 for Moms
This year has been an adventure in decluttering. I find that as a family of five, we have accumulated so many things and they are starting

Self-Care 101 For Moms
It’s been pretty clear for a while now that humankind needs a better work-life balance. We need more time for health, pleasure, leisure, family and

Share Some Love: Help the Needy
The holidays are over and now January finds us in a deep cold snap, the coldest in my area in the last 30 years. On the

Smart Tips To Help Your Family Give Up Sugar
A few years ago, I started on a quest to eliminate sugar from the family diet. It is still an ongoing struggle as it sneaks

5 Steps to Being More Organized in 2017
It’s not even officially the new year yet and I’m chomping to start purging and organizing. I’ve recently been bitten by the “less is more”