Lifestyle Blog

2017 Mom’s Agenda Video
Watch this video on the Mom’s Agenda to see why we think it’s the best little organizer for moms. It can help you organize your

Make The Holiday Season More Meaningful This Year
“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more?” Grinch, Dr. Seuss It’s easy to get

How to Focus on Your Family During the Holidays
The holiday season can be a challenging and hectic time for many of us, particularly when we are hoping to spend a lot of time

10 Fun Free Holiday Family Activities
There are so many ways to have fun and enjoy the holidays with your family without spending a lot of money. From play time in

Free Holiday Gift Tags
Our new holiday gift tags are here! This year enjoy 12 original designs with Albert’s colourful illustrations from the Family Organizer and the Fridge Calendar.

6 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season
If you are thinking about the holidays right now and frowning, smooth your face, square your shoulders and take a cleansing breath. A little positive

Fast and Delicious Beef Stir-Fry
When I am looking for something quick and easy, that I know the whole family will love, I whip up a stir-fry. You can

An Open Letter to the Father of My Children
Today is not Father’s Day, or Parents’ Day, either. It’s just a regular day. But I really want to take the time to recognize everything

Family Chores for Kids, Teens, and Even Dads
Studies definitively show that children and teens who partake in family chores and assume family or community responsibilities are ultimately happier with themselves and their