Increase Your Self Love and Confidence With Just 15 Minutes of Yoga Per Day
Living in 2021 can be difficult. While we are worried about our health and wellbeing, we are still subjected to daily stress and conflict that make it hard to love ourselves. Despite all the noise, we need to find moments where we can recenter.
You deserve to take the time to check in with yourself. We live in a time where we are surrounded by stress but have few options to have relaxing fun or address that stress. Taking just 15 minutes to work through a yoga routine can alleviate your mental strain, and put you on a path toward self-love and confidence.
You Are Allowed to Work on Yourself
Some people feel the need to work themselves to the bone at the risk of their health. The MayoClinic warns that too much chronic stress leads to long-lasting health and mental problems such as heart disease, depression, and weight fluctuation.
No one should feel ashamed of taking the steps to increase their self-love and confidence. Even plastic surgery is on the rise as a self-care technique. People are taking charge of their appearances and addressing issues that they might not be able to change through exercise and lifestyle adjustments.
A scar or an imperfection may be subtle, but if it makes you uncomfortable or unhappy, there is no shame in considering a surgical option. People turn to affordable rhinoplasty, augmentation, and other procedures to “feel like the best versions of themselves.”
Yoga is a great way to calm your mind and work out your body. With guided yoga classes, you only have to focus your mind on the calming voice of your instructor as they guide you through the poses that will stretch your muscles.
Exercise Your Way to Happiness
Exercise is an important element of self-care. Beyond the physical benefits of strong muscles and better heart function, studies show that exercise can go a long way toward combating stress and depression. There are even studies that show that workers who exercise are more productive and have a higher mental acuity to focus on the tasks at hand.
In 2017, the Journal of Happiness Studies reported that “10-min physical activity per week or 1 day of doing exercise per week might result in increased levels of happiness.” For most people, it can be difficult to find the time for exercise, and after a full day of work, they just want to sit on the couch and relax. This study shows that there is value in taking the time for physical activity.
Your happiness is linked to your self-esteem. Though it can be hard to build one without the other, as your happiness grows so too will your self-confidence, and as your self-confidence grows you will be happier. This is why finding 15 minutes for exercise is essential.
Yoga is a great form of exercise for busy people or for people who do not know where to start exercising. While a yoga mat and maybe a yoga block can be helpful, all you need to begin is a desire to start. You do not need all of the equipment of a gym or the knowledge of workout routines, because there are plenty of guided yoga videos on YouTube or streaming platforms that will walk you through the asanas for the day.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Yoga can also help you sleep better. Not getting enough sleep can be very dangerous for your health, leading to higher blood pressure, a weaker immune system, and even weight gain.
A lack of sleep also damages your mood and self-image. You may not be surprised to hear that people who sleep less are grumpier than their well-rested counterparts, but studies show that people who do not get enough sleep actually lose their sense of humor. Further, people with poor sleep patterns are more self-centered but have lower self-esteem.
15 minutes of yoga or meditation before bed can allow your body to work out the stress and the jittery feeling that you have been carrying around all day. You can address any excess energy you have and calm your mind so that you can fall asleep more easily. As with anything, there is no one easy fix for sleeping troubles, but there are many asanas and practices you can try to relax.
Make Yoga Work for You
The best thing about yoga is that you can adjust any routine to fit your comfort level. You are never required to push yourself beyond what you are capable of doing. A good yoga instructor will recognize that you are doing the work and be supportive throughout the routine. This positive reinforcement will benefit your self-worth while the yoga stretches your muscles and builds your strength.
There is no such thing as a one size fits all solution to any problem. One day of yoga may not immediately turn your life around, but you should be proud of yourself for taking the first steps toward wellness and a healthier lifestyle.
Your journey can begin whenever you are ready. Yoga can work wonders for your physical body and mental peace-of-mind. Find the right routine for you, reserve 15 minutes every day, and begin on the path toward self-confidence.
By Jennifer Bell
Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.
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